Columbus Wedding Makeup

Friday, July 10, 2015

I can't take the mosquitoes!

So since the beasts have ascended upon us I've been desperate. Yes, that's right I'm talking about mosquitoes! Is this beauty related you ask?! YES! I say YES!  If I welt on my face or legs or arms because of these (expletive) things, yes it is beauty related!

 In a normal amount, these spawns of Satan, I use my Doterra bug repellent oil (Terra Shield) to deter them. And it works fine for me (although I have to reapply often). But in this apocalypse of mosquitoes it's not cutting it. So I too was thinking maybe I'll buy something with DEET! Gasp!!! Then I decided I'd tried Ava Anderson's bug spray.
I picked beans out of our garden for about 45 minutes. I only got bit once. Having a bag full I headed for the house. On the way ... One more. I made it inside. I haven't been able to stand in my driveway without getting bit at least 10 times. I'm a magnet. I'm allergic. I welt up. It's ugly. I proved to my husband that I could go outside without getting bit! I spray down - I go out! NO bites!!! Yay AVA!!!
My son is allergic too. He swells up and it's so scary. But he played outside in his sandbox for over an hour. He didn't get one bite!! Such a believer....
There's an article about lemon and eucalyptus oil being just as effective as Deet. Whew- I was very close to trying the chemicals. Thankfully I found Ava Anderson. I'm excited to try othe non-toxic/non-chemical products. 

As far as trying to deter the mosquitoes this year I'll stick with the Ava Anderson bug spray . . .  Visit Kate's website for more non-toxic solutions!


Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Independence Day!

I hope everyone has a lovely 4th celebrating the birthday of our wonderful country. Although things are very much changing in our world, we live in the greatest country in the world. My favorite "4th of July" song is Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the U.S.A."  I seriously tear up every time. Here's the YouTube link.  I want to say a very sincere thank you to every person and their family that serves our military.  Without you we could not live with the freedoms we are afforded.  God Bless You!

I just wanted to share a quick blog and try to start blogging a bit more. I'm reading a challenge about making a connection with your clients and audience through your blog. We used to be able to chat face to face but the world has changed and connecting is mostly online now. So in a great effort to connect more with you ... I blog!

Recently High School kiddos will be headed back to school probably end of August. (That is seriously right around the corner.) And for many they are entering their senior year. So photographers everywhere have started their "senior sessions". 

Now I love bridal work. Really. Love it. But I really enjoy doing makeup for a teen. They're so excited to have their makeup done. Most of the time I'm the first makeup artist to ever put makeup on them. (I know weird). But that's exciting! How many other times will they have such a glamorous experience? The next will probably be their wedding day. 

So I partner with a local photographer ( to do a few sessions a year. We had our first session Wednesday. She posted a few on social media: 
So I for real die over these! I mean gorgeous!! Not only are these young ladies completely beautiful,  look at that photography work. That is not your mom on the corner with a camera stuff. Carmen's work is very inspiring. I find myself wanting makeup to be extra perfect if I know she'll be editing a picture! Lol
Enjoy your holiday & be safe. 

Makeup by me - Columbus Wedding Makeup
Photography - Portraits by Carmen
For wedding photography visit her at Forget Me Knot Photography