Columbus Wedding Makeup

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Wedding Referral Program

I feel like we are almost through the year and we have had several weddings and several more on the books! We have some amazing brides and I've been so happy to meet and work with so many lovely, young women.
Here are a few:

Aren't they beautiful?!? 

Of course word of mouth is the best compliment we can receive and I am always so grateful when a bride trusts us to pass on our information to a friend or family member. I can never say thank you enough, but I thought I'd try.

So if a referral from YOU (our previous bride) books with Columbus Wedding Makeup for their wedding day, we'd like to tell you a big thank you with a beauty set. 
The beauty set will include a Blushed by Tami will include eyeshadows, a mascara & a lipstick.  
We love knowing someone trusts us enough with their very special day.  I've been racking my brian trying to find a way to say Thank you! I'm hoping you all enjoy this & I look forward to working with your friends and family!!! 
Thank you, 

The small print: Referral bride must name you as the person who referred them. Recipient of the thank you must contact us within the year that the referral was received.  Wedding must be a booked wedding.  Colors in the beauty set are determined by Tami.  

Monday, February 29, 2016

Makeup Monday

Monday is here! And it's a Leap Year! I love that we get an extra day!!! What did you do on your extra day?

I wanted to share some of Blushed by Tami's products today! I continually get questions regarding my skin is oily but I'm so dry!? Why?! Because you're dehydrated! That's right - dehydrated! Your skin craves balance and moisture.  We live is such a stressful environment, not just physically (especially if you live in Ohio!) but also emotionally.  We deplete our skin by the second and don't to much to replace that precious nourishment.  Your skin will over produce oil to compensate from all the stripping we do to our skin to get rid of the oil.  So we're actually being counterproductive.

So evaluating your skincare routine is vital. Some of you are saying routine? What routine? That is the first issue! Others have told me I try different things? Well you're wasting your money! Or I've been using the same skincare products since I was in high school! Wow.... Listen ladies our skin not only changes but we change hormonally as we get older and it effects our skin.  Consistency is really key to your skin care.  Our skin gets used to a routine and begins to respond to it.  You'll see a difference just from doing the same routine every a.m. and p.m.
I have a questionnaire that you can fill out, I'll evaluate it and send back my recommendations.  Fill out this questionnaire by clicking HERE! 
It's funny I started this line with makeup in mind.  I mean it was meant to compliment my wedding makeup business, Columbus Wedding Makeup.  And although we sell lots of lipsticks and glosses (and even a shadow or two) to Brides, the bulk of what we sell at Blushed is skincare.
There are a few reasons for this - 1. I make sure you get what you need.  I'm not just trying to sell you something.  And 2. The Blushed by Tami skincare line is Amazing!  I don't want to toot my own horn but really.  It's effective, easy and there is something for everyone.

For a limited time I'm offering to anyone that fills out the questionnaire not only the customized recommendations, but also the ability to purchase a 4 piece skincare set for a special price!
I look forward to hearing from everyone!  Happy Extra Day!


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tuesday Tip!

Just a super quick tip -
Did you know that it's better to wash your face at night and make sure you remove all the makeup and dirt rather than even washing in the morning!
I added this to my medicine cabinet in my bathroom!
I grabbed mine at Meijer for about $7. But you can find it at any pharmacy or grocery that has a beauty section! This removes without rinsing makeup and dirt and does it fast!

For more tips like this please sign up below for monthly tips from me!

Have a great Tuesday!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Gamer Wedding?

So sometimes I meet brides and I'm so surprised by there nonchalant vibe.  They have it all together, they are thrilled to be getting married, but nothing shakes them.  They are on the long, steady road.  I'm so impressed by these ladies; you know they have truly met their soul-mate.  They just wear it. Some brides are nervous... it doesn't mean they aren't marrying their soul-mate, it just means the nerves make it hard to see by me.  I can't get past their anxiety.   As I spend time with them of course this becomes evident.  But it's those laid back brides that you see it right away.
Katie was this type of bride. Oh, I'm not sure if this is also a factor, but this was a Friday wedding! Katie told me they had a Lego/gamer themed wedding.  I of course really didn't know what this meant. Although I did see a picture of there bride kissing the groom who was wearing a Lego head?! Now that is love!

Katie and her maids were great fun & one of her bridesmaids will be a CWM Bride in July as well!!! We're super excited about this! We love referrals!  

The adorable couple! 

Mother and Daughter! I was so glad to be able to do Sue's makeup as well. 
Such a pleasure to be a part of this gorgeous wedding!

Photo Cred: Lisa Rice Photography 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Dark Under Eye Circles

The number one thing people ask me about is how to cover their dark under eye circles.
The solutions are pretty individual, but there are some ways to combat those pesky dark halos we all seem to have. 

 1. We don't sleep enough.  I average about 4 hours a night and I'm excited if I make it to 5 hours.  So I would venture to guess I'm on the high end of average sleep.  We are busy and our minds race.  We have schedules that don't allow much sleep.  Maybe we're that mom that doesn't want to take a moment of time from their family so they do their work at night. I know an attorney that does this. She sacrifices her sleep so her kids have her attention-   #supermom. So many of us do something similar to sacrifice our sleep for other things and therefore, it takes a toll on our bodies and especially our skin.

2. We drink too much caffeine and not enough water. This is a result of no sleep. We run on caffeine. We are supposed to drink eight 8 oz. glasses of water a day.  If we focused on it, it's really not that hard.  But alas, we are dehydrated and our skin reflects it.

So add number 3. genetics - we can't really do much about this.  Some of us have thinner skin under our eyes that reflect the veins and it is what it is.  We can only camouflage these.

And lastly (but not least) 4. we don't use skin care and the result is a potion for the darkest of eye-black (dark enough to block the sun) under our baby blues (or browns or hazels!).
So these are problems we can control or at least do something about it. So let's address skincare. I'm not an esthetician. But here are some suggestions that with years of experience (almost 20) I've learned. If you have some serious skin problems or you have some questions that you just feel like you can't get answers to or you've tried all of the skin care products and it's not getting the results you want. Then go find a good esthetician to be able to help you target what's really going on. A good esthetician can help you find some solutions. If you need some names I have a few suggestions. Feel free to email me & I can give you those names. 
So how do we correct this?

 I saw this on the Internet and thought this is a good way! Hehe 
But for the rest of us that feel like it's a quick fix at least it's something we can control, here are a few tips with skincare. Finding an eye cream that specifically targets under eyes and bags is your first step. This is important to find something that's going to target that area of dark circles and hydrate that area.
Along with an eye cream color correcting can make a great difference.  So orange is on the other side of the color wheel from purple/blue.  Now don't go putting orange lipstick or eye shadow under your eyes! But finding a concealer that has a peach hue is super beneficial.
So here are few products that Blushed by Tami offers that make a difference you'll see.

A great eye cream that I have learned to love as well as one of my number one sellers, is the Peptide Eye Cream.  This little tube of amazing is anti-aging eye treatment nourishes and hydrates the delicate eye area.  It's ingredients assist in the supporting circulation in the delicate eye area.  As well as going to the underlying structure of the skin to be effective in it's job!
The second arm of this project, (yes your dark circles are now a project- LOL) is the concealing of  these nuisances.  Using a peachy corrector is best for the really bad circles, but for most of us if we find a peachy toned concealer it will do the trick. Blushed as a phenomenal concealer that I love! It is a Dual Action Concealer.  The "Dual" part is anti-aging and conceals. Now nothing is a miracle worker, but this is a great tool to work with to help disguise those dark rings.  Below are a few swatches on my hand.  This is the Light/Medium shade.  See the peach hue? Yet it blends in to a gorgeous glow.  

I literally use this on every bride! Here is Caitlyn.  
Isn't she lovely? But just like the rest of us she has a few dark circles.  But I didn't do anything magical. I just used my Peptide eye cream and the great concealer.  Mixing them together helps a little go a long way. 
So there you have it! If you'd like to purchase any of my Blushed products you can do so by contact me or visiting my store at Storenvy
