Columbus Wedding Makeup

Monday, February 23, 2015

Makeup Monday

Monday is winding down, but I thought I'd do a quick post about a product!
How about eye makeup remover!
We all use it . . . we have a love/hate relationship with it, right? I mean it's necessary most of the time, but sometimes it doesn't always feel so nice.
We try coconut oil or baby wipes.  Or we go really "old school" and just water with a wash cloth.  And sometimes all of those work. But let me shine a little light on the damage you can do to that precious skin around your eye by using the wrong product.
Did you know The area around your eye is called the contour & it's the thinnest and most fragile skin on your entire face.  It lacks the elastin fibers and along with the strain of 22 muscles and constant motion, plus 10,000 blinks per day, this area shows signs of aging first.
So therefore we should be really paying attention to what we use on our eyes and how we use it! 
I see people putting tape on their eyes and pulling them... we use hard pencils and rough, cheap brushes. We rub them with wash clothes and abuse our poor whittle eyes! Well, maybe it's not all that bad, but we really need to have a better awareness of this tender eye area.  So it's a huge topic but let's just look at how we take off makeup.  
There are a few products I would suggest work nicely.  You have to find what works for you, BRAVO.  We all want the same things, something that doesn't leave a greasy and oily residue, something that doesn't clog pores and something that does take off makeup easily and pretty much in one swoop! 
Here are a few products I think do that! 
1. Neutrogena Wipes.  These little things are actually amazing for taking off all your makeup.  They're about $7 and you get about 25.  It's a great option even if your have sensitive skin.  They're also awesome for on the go or travel. You can pick these up at your local drugstore or don't leave the house and order them from Amazon.  

This  is a pricier end of makeup removers (Like 29 bones!), but there's a reason. It's ridiculously good.  It seriously uses the bi-phase technology to break down makeup gently and not leave a residue.  It's amazing for sensitive eyes.  This was my only choice for years and years ... Until I made my own! Blushed by Tami has a very, very, very similar product for a little less the cost ($24).  This Dual Action Makeup remover is my new choice and I love it.  No itchy or stinging eyes.  

3. MAC cleanse off oil ($31).  This is also a makeup remover for more than just eyes so you could justify that price point a bit more.  It is an oil and most people cringe, but really it's a great.  It does not leave an oily residue.  I promise.  It does however break down oils and makeup so you don't have to tug at your skin and wipes it all way.  It also comes in a travel size, of 1 oz., which is especially nice for those world travellers.
So there have it for Makeup Monday! A little guidance on how to take care of your eyes! They are the only ones you're getting so don't tug and tape them!!
Leave me some comments about what you use to remove your eye makeup.  Good, bad and ugly! I want to know.  I'm sure there's a product out there I'm missing and I'd love to know about it.

Have a great week!

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